Ons eerste
Ons enigste dogter
Ons kamp nou hier waar ons circa 1963 ook gekamp het. Hier het sy en haar Ma nog op die strand baljaar. Die herinneringe is so duidelik asof dit gister was. Daardie plomp liggaampie wat ons twee Pa en Ma gemaak en genoem het.
Later ‘n liefdevolle Ousus vir haar twee broers. Een wie sy deur moeilke tye moes help groot maak. Somtyds moeilike skooljare het haar nie verhoed om vir ons baie vreugde en ondersteuning te gee nie.
Haar lewe, veral die laaste paar jaar op Ngodwana, was vir haar ook geen paradys nie maar ondanks die baie probleme het sy daarin geslaag om haar twee pragtige kinders ‘n behoorlike opvoeding te gee.
Haar kleinkinders het sy voor gelewe en sy kon nie wag vir haar aftree jare om meer tyd by en met hulle te kan spandeer nie. Menige gesprekke het gevolg om te beplan hoe daardie jare geniet gaan word.
Helaas was dit nie vir haar beskore nie. Haar laaste dae was vir haar baie moeilik en ons almal glo dat sy uiteindelik nou daar is waar sy kan rus en ontslae kan wees van al haar vele probleme.
Rus goed Miek . . . .ons kom.
Dearest Mick,
Thank you for the years we spent together, and giving us the most wonderful children one could wish for.
Your kindness loyalty and love touched a lot more than you will ever perceive. You fought a brave fight right to the end. Many will miss you for a while until we are reunited, because this is not goodbye, but good night until we meet again in the morning in the lords kingdom.
Love Mark
Today is a party, not a funeral. Nanna always said we must throw a party on the day that she dies. When you think of Nanna, think of her amazing heart, and when we all miss her, just remember she is in your heart forever.
I am sure that seeing all the broken hearts makes Mom sad because all you ever wanted was for people to be happy, but I hope Mom also sees just how much you were loved. Life has not always been easy and Mom faced many battles that would have broken the strongest people. Sometimes it did break you but you always came out the other side and kept going. Through everything Mom always put everyone ahead of yourself. When I think about Mom I see an incredible, strong person that I am very proud of. I am forever grateful for the amazing Daughter that Mom raised and for welcoming me as your son. You loved me, you welcomed me into your family. Giving was Mom’s thing. You loved giving and gave so much to so many people even when you did not have to give, you still gave. You were an amazing Mother and Nanna and we all will miss you dearly. My prayer for you Mom is that you are at peace. That God has taken away all your pain and that Mom can just be Mom. I know you are with God now and I pray that when you see all the pain that people are feeling after losing you, that it does not make you sad but that for once you put yourself first and see it as “You were loved, and you will always be remembered and be a part of our lives”. We were blessed to have you Mom, we thank God for the time we had with Mom.
Ai Mommy, it wasn’t supposed to end like this. Never again will I get my morning message. Never again will I be able to send you a photo of Chante and Caylee, sharing their achievements, or my macramé and woodwork, to hear the phone ring and your voice saying “Wow my baby, that’s awesome!”
Never again. I am shattered. You left too soon.
There are no words to describe how grateful I am for the amazing Mom, and Nanna you were. You always gave of yourself, no matter how little you had. You unfailingly loved more passionately than is conceivable.
Thank you, mommy, for always being there to listen, no matter how low you felt. Thank you for loving Greg, and Chante, and Caylee, with all of your heart. I am so proud that they got the chance to know you, and to love you.
Through all your hard times, your loneliness, your struggles and heartache, your dark places, you always came out showing us what true strength and courage is.
Looking through all the photos, you were there for everything. Thank you, Mom.
I am so proud to call you, My Mom.
I pray that you are indeed doing all the cartwheels and handstands that Caylee says you can now do in heaven. I pray that you are at peace, that your soul now smiles, that you look down, and realise just how truly special you are. I pray that one day, we can have the party that Chante says Nanna said, we should have, and celebrate you.
Thank you for Always being there for me, mommy.
I will Miss you, every day for the rest of my life. I know that God has you safe in His arms. That you have taken your place in Heaven.
How blessed we are that saying goodbye to you, is so incredibly hard.
Love you always